Xiaocheng Feng
Welcome to my homepage!

I am an Associate Professor of the Computer Science Department at Harbin Institute of Technology, where I lead a Text Generation team. At HIT CS, I'm also a member of the Research Center for Social Computing and Information Retrieval . My primary research interests are in the fields of Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. I'm interested in building efficient models and benchmarks that can encourage machines to perform human-level intelligence. My current research interests include:

  • Text Generation: Summarization, Table-to-Text, Essay Generation
  • Machine Translation: Autoregressive MT, Non-autoregressive MT, Multilingual MT
  • Representation learning: Domain adaptation, Cross-lingual transfer, Multi-modality learning

I'm looking for highly motivated students to work with me on broad NLP research.

Please contact me via fengxiaocheng1988 (at) gmail (dot) com

Here is my Google Scholar Page and Curriculum Vitae


Professional Services

    Conference Program Committee

    Journal Reviewer


Research Experience

  • Full-time Visiting Student, RPI, 2015.08-2016.08 Mentor: Heng Ji
  • Full-time Research Intern, BAIDU, 2012.10-2013.05 Mentor: Shiqi Zhao
